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Residential Terms & Conditions

The following sets out what you can expect from Adventure Residentials (AR) and what your obligations are. By making a booking with us you are accepting these terms and conditions. If you are making a booking on behalf of someone else you will be deemed to be accepting these terms and conditions for them and should make them aware of the contents.

Confirmation of your booking

You will receive confirmation of your booking and payment following completion of our booking process which includes the taking of payment for the programme you wish to join us for. If you are booking on behalf of a group, you will be invoiced for your programme places and full details be emailed or made available to you online upon receipt of payment.

Whats included

The following are included in your booking (unless specifically stated otherwise)

Experienced DofE Accredited Assessors if you are joining us for a DofE or International Award programme that requires assessment (e.g. qualifying expeditions and residentials).
Bunkhouse and campsite accommodation fees for the duration of the programme.

Food or provisions to make your own is available on some trips. See trip notes.
Free use of group kit required for your programme.
The following are not included in your booking (unless specifically stated otherwise)

Transportation to/from programme venues – you are responsible for your own travel.
Personal equipment for the programmes (you will receive detailed information on what personal equipment to bring). 
Supervision or transportation for any participants who are excluded, have to withdraw or are no longer able to participate in the programme. We strongly recommend that you have a responsible adult that you can contact who could come and collect you in case any of the above happen.

Minimum numbers

We need a minimum of 5 participants to deliver our residential packages, in the event that numbers drop below the minimum required, we will contact you to discuss options. They may include cancelling the programme and transferring your booking to a different location or date.


If we cancel your booking

We endeavour to provide all of the services as described in our confirmation but if for any reason we cannot deliver your programme we will notify you promptly – in practice this means that you will be notified as soon as we become aware that things cannot go ahead. We do not want to mess you around in any way. We will refund any payments received in full but cannot accept responsibility for any consequential losses incurred.

If we change your booking details

In the interests of the safety and enjoyment of participants we may need to make changes to your programme – should this be necessary we will notify you promptly. These may include a change to the programme location, content, dates or start and finish times. We reserve the right to make these changes at any time and cannot be held liable for any costs incurred.

If you cancel your booking

If you would like to cancel all or part of your booking we require notification by email (in writing). As we may not be able to find another person to take your place on the programme and will have incurred costs with your booking, the following terms apply:

Notification received ≥ 90 days before programme start date    ·       
50% refund OR
Transfer your place to a different date or location within the next calendar year from date of notification (admin fee of £35.00)

Notification received 15 – 89 days before programme start date    
No refund available BUT
Possibility of transferring your place to another date or location within the next calendar year from date of notification, (admin fee of £60.00)

Notification received 0 – 14 days before programme start date    
No refunds or place transfers available


We reserve the right to exclude any participant from a programme if in our opinion their inclusion would pose a safety risk to themselves or any other member of the group. Participants are expected to act on any requests that trainers and instructors consider necessary. In the event of exclusion we will not offer any refund. Reasons for exclusion may include but are not limited to:

Not having the correct equipment;
Not being physically able to safely take part in any of the programme activities;
Disobeying a direct safety instruction;
Disruptive or threatening behaviour;
Use of possession of illegal substances.
We reserve the right to ask for payment in respect of any damage to, or loss of, equipment caused wilfully or by the negligent behaviour of participants.

Do I need travel insurance?

We are fully insured to carry out the activities described in our confirmation to an enhanced limit of £10 million. Further details of our insurance policy are available upon request. We strongly recommend that you take out personal insurance that will cover you in the event of cancellation or curtailment of your programme (or part of) due to illness or injury and that will cover your personal kit during your programme.

Travel to your programme

Transport is not provided either to/from the designated meet location on your programme. See you programme itinerary to confirm your meet locations and end of programme plans.

Your responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

To check that our programme meets the residential requirements of your operating authority (DofE programmes);
To fill in and return to us a consent form prior to the programme;
To inform us of all the information requested on our Booking and/or Consent forms at the time you complete them and of any changes to these that may occur between booking and commencement of the programme. 
Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries relating to your suitability for the package or fitness, this does not mean that you will not be able to take part but it does mean that we can make any necessary preparations or adjustments to facilitate things for you wherever possible.
To undertake any necessary personal training to ensure that you are prepared and fit enough to undertake your package.
To ensure that you arrive with the food that you need and suitable personal kit (as

Medical Information

In order to attend a programme with AR, all participants are required to detail any medical conditions, illnesses and injuries (recent, historic, sporting or otherwise), allergies, medications taken or that may be needed while with us or any other details that may affect them during their programme. This information is collected either at the time of booking or on a separate information/consent form following booking.

If any medical information changes between completing a booking/information/consent form and any of your programmes with AR commencing, it is your responsibility to inform us immediately – please email details over to or call us on 0779 001 2684 to discuss.

Full medical information is required in advance so that we can make any preparations to support you throughout your programme – we are supportive and have experience of working with a wide range of medical conditions and differing needs but can only provide you with a safe, high quality experience if we have information in advance.

Photographs & Video

AR may take photographs and/or video footage of participants during programmes. We aim to make copies of photographs and videos taken available to participants as evidence of your participation (e.g. in DofE evidence), for your own personal enjoyment and we may also discreetly use footage and images to promote our activities in printed and internet publications. By completing this Consent Form you agree to your image (or that of the participant you are completing this Consent Form for) being used for these purposes. If you wish to opt out then please email us stating this on:

Protection of Your Data

AR handles all participant data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and superseding General Data Protection Regulation 2018. AR only uses your data for the purposes of administering and delivering training, expeditions and outdoor programmes. Therefore, your data is only used by those acting on behalf of AR and any other awarding body involved (e.g. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Mountain Training, any school or business that you are joining us through). By signing an AR Consent Form you are confirming that you are happy for us to use your personal data in this way. Data will be kept in line with the Limitation Act 1980. 
If you have any questions, please email or call:  or 0779 001 2684 and ask to speak to the AR Data Manager.

Acknowledgement of Risk

AR takes all reasonable steps to provide participants with a level of care and assurances of safety appropriate to the activity undertaken. However, there are certain risks which are integral to outdoor activities and which cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character and benefits that such programmes bring.

During AR programmes or expeditions, participants may encounter the following:

Walking on rough, uneven terrain;
Extended periods of tough, physical effort;
Environmental hazards (e.g. changeable weather and terrain);
Feeling uncomfortable, tired and upset.
However, the benefits of encountering these and working your way through them as an individual or as a team are immense!

Medical Statement

In the event of an accident or incident, I give my consent to any emergency treatment as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. I therefore authorise AR and any AR instructor(s) present to sign on my behalf, any written form of consent required, provided that in the opinion of the doctor/surgeon any delay could endanger the health and safety of the participant.

Consent Forms

All participants are required to complete a Consent Form – this requires participants (and a parent/guardian if the participant is under 18) to read, understand and sign the Consent Form and the above statements with regard to:

Medical Information;

Photographs & Video;

Protection of Your Data;

Acknowledgement of Risk;

Medical Statement.

AR will not allow anyone to participate in an AR programme without a completed, signed AR Consent Form. Upon completion of a Booking Form, a Consent Form reminder will be sent to you – if you have not received this please contact AR on so that one can be sent to you. Reminders to complete Consent Forms are sent by email to the email address used to complete your Booking Form.

We look forward to meeting you but please do not hesitate to email or call us with any questions that you have in the meantime.

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